Sunday, April 6, 2008

Reuse-Recycle and Reduce

Over the last years, my husband and I have been slowly making a conscious effort to Reuse-Recycle and Reduce. But there is so much more we can do and I have decided to rethink one part of our lifestyle everyday. I have started this blog to show others how easy this is and will share with others, some ideas we are using. I have to dedicate this project to my 87 year old mother, Irene. She is a true "child of the depression" and, much to the consternation of her children, would never throw anything away that could be reused. She composted kitchen waste for her beautiful garden, had a burn pile(probably not so good for the environment) for paper waste and saved everything from peach pits(to be made into wreaths) to plastic bags. She was on the recieving end of a lot of teasing from her family but she was truly ahead of her time. So, here's to you Irene, your efforts did not go un-noticed by your daughter!!

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